Home / System / Download Virtual Box 32/64 Bit Terbaru 2023

Download Virtual Box 32/64 Bit Terbaru 2023

download virtualbox 32 bit

VirtualBox adalah perangkat lunak virtualisasi sumber terbuka dan open-source yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan beberapa sistem operasi pada satu mesin. Awalnya dikembangkan oleh Innotek GmbH dan kemudian diakuisisi oleh Oracle Corporation. Download VirtualBox 32 bit tersedia untuk sistem operasi Windows, MacOS, Linux, dan Solaris.

VirtualBox menyediakan lingkungan mesin virtual yang mensimulasikan sistem komputer yang lengkap, termasuk komponen perangkat keras seperti CPU, memori, hard disk, antarmuka jaringan, dan perangkat lainnya. Pengguna dapat menginstal dan menjalankan beberapa sistem operasi seperti Windows, Linux, MacOS, dan lainnya secara bersamaan pada mesin host mereka, tanpa mempengaruhi sistem operasi host. Ini sangat berguna untuk pengembangan perangkat lunak, pengujian, menjalankan aplikasi lama, atau bereksperimen dengan sistem operasi yang berbeda tanpa perlu perangkat keras fisik yang terpisah.

VirtualBox mudah dipasang dan digunakan dan menawarkan berbagai fitur, termasuk jaringan virtual, penyimpanan virtual, snapshotting, dan manajemen mesin jarak jauh. Ini juga mendukung berbagai format disk virtual, termasuk VDI, VMDK, dan VHD. Selain itu, Download BirtualBox 64 bit memiliki komunitas pengguna yang besar dan memberikan dokumentasi dan dukungan yang sangat baik.

Virtual Box Features

VirtualBox is a robust virtualization programme that offers a variety of capabilities, such as:

  • VirtualBox is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris.
  • Support for guest operating systems VirtualBox supports a variety of guest operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris.
  • Provides a virtual environment that mimics a whole computer system, including hardware components such as the CPU, RAM, hard drive, and other peripherals.
  • Snapshots: Users may take snapshots of virtual machines at any time, allowing them to rapidly preserve and restore the state of their virtual machine.
  • Enables users to share files across the host and guest operating systems, facilitating the transmission of data between the two.
  • Remote machine management: With a web interface, users may remotely manage virtual machines, allowing them to operate and monitor their virtual machines from any place.
  • Virtual networking: VirtualBox has a variety of networking options, such as bridged, NAT, host-only, and internal networks, enabling users to configure complicated virtual network topologies.
  • Enables users to connect USB devices to their virtual computers, allowing them to utilise external devices within virtual machines.
  • Guest Additions: VirtualBox offers guest additions software that may be loaded on guest operating systems, allowing for a more seamless interaction between the host and guest operating systems.

VirtualBox is a sophisticated piece of virtualization software that allows users to run several operating systems on a single computer.

Virtual Box Free Download For PC

Download virtualbox 32 bit

Download virtualbox 64 bit

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